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Virtual Roundtable Breakouts


Join us each month as we bring together AEC industry innovators to discuss the people, process, and technology changes required to transform construction in the digital age. Breakout topics range from diversity & mental health to digital twins and reality capture. Check out past breakout recordings on our YouTube Channel, and read about the proposed topics for our next round of breakouts on Thursday, November 5th, 2020 [3pm EST/ 12pm EST]. 

Participant Application

Register to lead, participate, or watch the next CPC Virtual Roundtable discussions using Zoom Breakout Rooms



Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

[3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST]

General Session ​Co-Hosts: Bianca Holtier Coury & Dan Smolilo

Breakout Topics for this Session

Click a Topic Below for additional information & links.

Breakout Zoom-tablet.jpg

Breakout Room Categories

Fireside Chat, Panel & SME Share

Selected perspectives share past experience or current initiative, with request for engagement, feedback or questions from audience participants. 

Group Discussion

Participants are strategically selected to represent a balance of opposing perspectives, and should be prepared to contribute their story to the larger conversation.  

Shared Pains Topics
Inclusion & Diversity |  Meritocracy | Fireside Panel
Mental Health | Destigmatization | Fireside Chat
Remote Work | Setting Expectations | Group Discussion
Shared Perspectives Topics
Digital Twin | Interoperability | SME Share
Roundtable Sign Up
Reality Capture | Location Tagging | SME Share
Technology Stack | Econometrics | AECO Roundtable
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